Health & Wellbeing
Learn more about mental and physical wellbeing
Logotherapy: Meaning in Life
At some point most of us wonder why we are here, about the overall purpose of our lives and the relevance of our existence. These philosophical and existential ponderings are part of being human. There are no easy answers, but Viktor Frankl’s views about Ultimate Meaning provide a…
Amino Acids and Their Importance Across Life stages (Part 2)
Today we have a better understanding of the importance of protein-rich foods on cognitive function. While quality protein…
Power Naps and Brain Health
Short naps have shown to increase the ability to store and recall information, and improve vigour, alertness and…
Find out how natural medicine and relaxation techniques can help our overall health
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Today, garlic is a familiar household herb, and we often forget its true properties and health benefits. Before the advent of anti-biotics, garlic was one of the herbs often used to assist with many health conditions and diseases. Studies now show that garlic, apart from having potent anti-microbial,…
The Health Benefits of Osteopathic Treatment (Part 1)
Osteopathy focuses on treating and understanding the entire body. This is why it has a wide range of…
Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
There are three most well-known types of ginseng, but not many know that they differ in their potency.…
Connecting you with food
Learn more how food and nutrients can support our health and longevity
Recipe: Fonio Pilaf
Fonio Pilaf is a light summer dish with splendid flavors and plenty of taste even for the most hardcore spice-lovers.
Recipe: Punjeni Lungic (Stuffed Pork Tenderloin)
Stuffed pork tenderloin, with cheese and thyme, wrapped in streaky bacon, is a meal that has a fantastic…
Anti-cancer foods: The Healthiest Vegetables (Part 3)
We look more closely at flaxseed, garlic, pumpkin and several other vegetables, and their anti-cancer and anti-tumour effect…
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