The Path to Balance and Mobility in Seniors:...
As we age the risk of falling increases. Therefore balance and mobility become crucial. It is important to exercise areas of the body which control strength and mobility, namely the core, hips, legs and spine.
Read MoreWeight Training for Fat Loss
Fat loss requires more than just dieting or doing heavy cardio sessions. Ideally, we should increase our everyday movement, while keeping our cortisol levels low, and also do resistance training to increase lean muscle mass.
Read MoreSeniors and Falling: The importance of balance as...
Many of us have at least one older family member or a neighbour who has experienced a serious fall. With falls being a major health risk affecting the quality of life and leading to accidental deaths in the aged population, we should inform ourselves how to prevent them through different exercises and strategies.
Read MoreHow to get back into exercise after a...
One of the most important things we can do when starting to exercise is to set a goal. Whether it’s losing body fat, growing muscle or getting stronger, we should aim to reach certain milestones within a certain time frame.
Read MoreCommon issues with quadricep muscles (read before your...
The quad muscles are important for a variety of movements, and several issues can occur either due to over activity or underuse, which is why preventative exercises are there to reduce the risk of injury and allow us to keep moving.
Read MoreCommon issues with hamstring muscles (read before your...
Understanding various hamstring issues, including tightness, strains and tendinopathy, is essential for effective treatment and injury prevention. Sedentary lifestyles often contribute to hamstring tightness. Adopting stretching and dynamic exercise routines can help alleviate hamstring issues.
Read MoreCommon issues with glutes (read before your next...
When we look back over the last few decades, we can see that our society is becoming more sedentary. With such a lifestyle, it is very common for our glutes to become weak. This can lead to different issues, such as low back pain, knee and hip pain, and abnormal gait or walking.
Read MoreExercise Guide to: Hardy Hamstrings
It is very common for many wanting more muscular legs, and to achieve that, they solely focus on growing larger quadriceps muscles. However, this often leads to a muscle imbalance across the knee joint, as the hamstrings get neglected. This imbalance leads to an increase in the risk of injuries, especially in females.
Read MoreExercise Guide to: Sturdy Quads
Quadriceps muscles are the largest muscle group in the body by mass and are involved in just about all movement that uses the legs. If they are weak, tight or not at the optimal length, this can cause movement restriction and lead to injuries, and, later in life, tripping and falling.
Read MoreExercise Guide to: Glorious Glutes
The glutes have an important role in our movement and posture, and when they're strong, they can prevent pain and injuries. Also, having defined glutes is quite aesthetically appealing, both in men and women. With a proper exercise guide and some dedication, you too can develop glorious glutes.
Read MoreZone Training terminology — what is your resting...
As we get more consistent with exercising, and movement in general, it would be good to know our current physical ability, so we can track our progress and also prevent injuries. To do this correctly, we need to know our resting heart rate, maximum heart rate and heart rate recovery.
Read MoreZone Training — What is it and what...
Exercise and holding on to our physical strength and fitness as we age is one of the strongest predictors of healthspan and longevity. However, regular physical activity is sometimes a challenge for most of us. This can create a risky mindset where we tend to overdo and overexert ourselves to compensate for a missed session, which is why it's important to understand Zone Training and its benefits on health and injury prevention.
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