
Common issues with glutes (read before your next leg workout)

- 3 minutes to read

When we look back over the last few decades, we can see that our society is becoming more sedentary. With such a lifestyle, it is very common for our glutes to become weak. This can lead to different issues, such as low back pain, knee and hip pain, and abnormal gait or walking.

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Exercise Guide to: Hardy Hamstrings

- 5 minutes to read

It is very common for many wanting more muscular legs, and to achieve that, they solely focus on growing larger quadriceps muscles. However, this often leads to a muscle imbalance across the knee joint, as the hamstrings get neglected. This imbalance leads to an increase in the risk of injuries, especially in females.

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Exercise Guide to: Sturdy Quads

- 4 minutes to read

Quadriceps muscles are the largest muscle group in the body by mass and are involved in just about all movement that uses the legs. If they are weak, tight or not at the optimal length, this can cause movement restriction and lead to injuries, and, later in life, tripping and falling.

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Exercise Guide to: Glorious Glutes

- 3 minutes to read

The glutes have an important role in our movement and posture, and when they're strong, they can prevent pain and injuries. Also, having defined glutes is quite aesthetically appealing, both in men and women. With a proper exercise guide and some dedication, you too can develop glorious glutes.

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