Training and menopause: How can exercise positively affect...
Perimenopause and menopause are a time of transition for women, resulting in significant hormonal changes. These changes are often accompanied by weight gain, inflammation, and decrease in muscle and bone density. With the proper approach to exercise, we can slow down and possibly even reverse these changes.
Read MoreHave you got poor posture? (18 long-term effects...
Sitting down at work (close to 6 hours daily for most), sitting in our cars, slouching forward and looking at our phones (close to 5 hours daily) and only having 14 minutes (women) and 24 minutes (men) per day to exercise, leaves us all stiff, bent and aching. The bad news is that it will get worse with age. The good news is that we can reverse it.
Read MoreDiet and Performance: High-Carb or Ketogenic Diet?
Exercise and diet can reduce our risk of mortality by 35%. This is why regular exercise, paired with a great diet that provides our body with energy, is important. However, when we cut out all the supplements, pre and post workout powders and drinks, we are left with the most basic question - should we be using carbohydrates or ketones as a source of our energy?
Read MoreExercise Guide to: Curvy Calves
Calves have an important role in our movement and posture, and if they're not at their optimal length, they can pull other muscles out of alignment. Also, having defined calves is quite aesthetically appealing, both in men and women. With a proper exercise guide and some dedication, you too can develop curvy calves.
Read MoreCommon issues with calf muscles (read before your...
Calf muscles are important for our mobility and leg strength, and yet many of us are not giving them the attention they need during stretching and exercising. Also, our sedentary lifestyle is making this issue a bit more complex. Let’s see if we can change that.
Read MoreBad posture can impact your health — Getting...
We slouch when watching TV, look down when using our phones and lean forward when working on the computer. All of these actions cause damage to our body, muscles, nerves and can also impact our vital organs. It’s time to Get Straight - the sooner we start working on our posture, the better off we’ll be in the long run.
Read MoreExercise Guide to: Boulder Shoulders
The wide shoulder physique, triangle shape or v shape is a concept that many men chase for its aesthetic benefit. Majority of us are training shoulders too many times during the week, with too many exercises and not enough of an education on what is the most effective way to train our shoulders. Let’s change that.
Read MoreHoffmann’s Hacks – Make exercise a part of...
We eat more, we move less, and we repeat this almost daily. It’s work, it’s the pandemic and the lockdowns… it’s life. It’s time to change things around. If we have a cheat meal, why not have a cheat exercise?
Read MoreAlcohol and Performance: Physical and Physiological effects
Have you ever wondered if having a drink after your game or a gym session affects your recovery? Or if you could get away with having a cheeky drink before, or even during, physical activity? It’s time to find out.
Read MoreYour Guide to Good Posture: Tips and Exercises
The more progressive we become with technology, the more sedentary lifestyle we tend to have. On average, we sit 9 hours a day. Whether that be at our job, commuting, or relaxing at home in front of the TV, we are inadvertently impacting our health through poor posture. Once our body molds to the positions we spend most time in, it becomes a challenge to assume a correct posture again.
Read MoreWorkout Motivation: Why we lose it and how...
What do we lose first - motivation or drive? Actually, which of those two comes first and which one is a result of the former. Is motivation more important than habits, consistency and well-defined plans? Or is motivation an after-effect? Today, we reverse-engineer why we lose motivation and how we can “easily” get it back.
Read More3 Foods that will naturally enhance our sports...
We all like to have more energy throughout the day and this is quite important when doing exercise and working out. If our goal is to increase stamina and energy levels, and not to buy products made in a factory to do that, then we should look for natural and herbal supplements.
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