
Logotherapy: Meaning in Life

- 3 minutes to read

At some point most of us wonder why we are here, about the overall purpose of our lives and the relevance of our existence. These philosophical and existential ponderings are part of being human. There are no easy answers, but Viktor Frankl’s views about Ultimate Meaning provide a framework that may help guide us to the answers.

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Introduction to Anxiety: Know what you are dealing...

- 4 minutes to read

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders globally, and they are on the rise. For us to fully understand anxiety, we also need to better understand specific disorders that can cause anxiety, such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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Depression Signs and Symptoms: Stop the downward spiral...

- 3 minutes to read

Depression can sneak into our lives and can cause a gradual downshift in many areas that we take for granted. It can slowly sap our energy levels and affect the quality and duration of our sleep, and as it progresses, it can also cause gastrointestinal issues and loss of will and interest.

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Logotherapy: Freedom of Will and the Power of...

- 3 minutes to read

Having Freedom of Will means that, rather than being free from circumstances, we are free to choose: choose our actions and attitude in all circumstances. True freedom comes with the responsibility to be accountable for our choices and actions. Making choices that are right for us, in every moment, is meaningful and unlocks the power of choice. So, how do we choose wisely?

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Types of therapies: which one is right for...

- 5 minutes to read

When dealing with certain conditions, proven therapies should be considered as a foundation and a starting point. Each therapeutic approach should be carefully selected for each individual case, which is why we should also consider new therapies and methods when assisting with mental health conditions.

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Introduction to Anxiety: Know what you are dealing...

- 5 minutes to read

Anxiety disorders significantly impair everyday functioning. Unlike stress, anxiety stems from worry and fear, which can result from a variety of causes. It manifests in numerous symptoms that can affect a person’s quality of life, making it essential to understand the root causes and address them.

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Depression Signs and Symptoms: Stop the downward spiral...

- 3 minutes to read

While most experience certain levels of sadness, which is a normal and healthy occurrence, long-term feelings where our mood is affected, and possibly impacted by additional stress and anxiety, can lead to depression. That is why it’s important to understand our current condition and act so that we can stop the downward spiral in time.

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Types of therapies: which one is right for...

- 6 minutes to read

Today we have several emerging therapies that have been showing promising results in a very short period of time, such as Havening, Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). Also, some of the therapies, like Primers and Self-hypnosis can be done in the comfort of your own home, and still achieve significant progress, concerning your particular situation.

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Logotherapy: Meaning and Avenues to Meaning-Discovery

- 4 minutes to read

Meaning is the primary force that draws us forward in life, but what is meaningful today may not be next week. This is why having, and knowing, your purpose in life is important, and purpose itself changes over our lifetime.

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Introduction to Logotherapy: Our meaning and purpose in...

- 5 minutes to read

There are many types of therapies in use today, with varied levels of success. What makes logotherapy different is that it taps into the human essence to effect change in the body, mind and emotions, and it focuses on the future through search for meaning and purpose. Does that mean that we can “heal through meaning”?

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Our Mind-Body Connection and Neuro-Linguistic Programming

- 4 minutes to read

The mind and body are connected, and our emotions, thoughts and memories stimulate chemical responses. While a happy memory creates a pleasant feeling, so can an unpleasant experience cause our body to replace chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins with adrenal and cortisol hormones. By understanding how we respond unconsciously to such triggers, we can change our response for better outcomes.

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