
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Does It Work?

- 7 minutes to read

Our thoughts affect our behaviours, and our behaviours are a guarantee of our successes or failures. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an approach to communication, development, influence, and modelling excellence that can help achieve goals through changing thoughts and behaviours. There are many techniques and methods - so where do we start first?

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Mental Health: The more we talk about it,...

- 4 minutes to read

How we perceive mental health plays a large role in how we respond to mental distress. As a community, we are up against a monumental barrier. It’s time to shift the narrative and eliminate the stigma around our mental health. How? Let’s start with a conversation.

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The Best Possible Self – Mental Health Exercise

- 6 minutes to read

We all often wonder what our future will look like, and we try to live it (just a bit) in our mind. It makes us feel good about ourselves. The Best Possible Self exercise assists us with this visualization and helps us to connect the present with the future and (if we work towards it) make that future a reality.

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10 Strategies for Mental Health while working from...

- 7 minutes to read

Since our first lockdown response to Covid-19 in early 2020, New Zealand has been in and out of lockdown. As a result, working from home has become a mainstream way businesses operate. Working remotely has its pros and cons; however, recent research reports significant concerns around the implications working from home can have on our mental health. How can we protect our mental wellbeing while working from home?

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Video Game Addiction: “Teenagers” and Gaming

- 6 minutes to read

In developed countries, nearly 70% of people are playing video games. This means that “teenagers” are not the only population group who are gaming. There are both positive and negative impacts of gaming, but how do we differentiate between these and when do we classify video gaming as a harmful addiction?

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What is my Purpose in Life: How to...

- 7 minutes to read

Have you ever felt like you were missing something in life, that you aren't living a life of purpose. This article will help highlight how common this feeling is and will give you a starting point towards heading in the right direction.

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What is Resilience and how to use it...

- 7 minutes to read

Easy living and smooth sailing is something that we all hope for. However, the world is rarely all sunshine and rainbows. Life can be tough. We need to learn how to adopt a resilient mindset to help us navigate the world around us.

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What are 5 Ways to Wellbeing

- 7 minutes to read

What makes good mental health and well-being? What are some of the fundamental principles that help keep us mentally well and that we can use and practice daily in our lives? This article discusses the key concepts of 5 Ways to Wellbeing as determined by experts from across the globe.

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Anxiety and Smoking: How it affects our Mental...

- 6 minutes to read

The risks involved with cigarette smoking on our physical health have become very salient in our lives. But what light has been shed, so far, on the damage smoking can have on our mental wellness, levels of anxiety and risk of depression?

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What is Mental Health: Emotional and Psychological factors

- 5 minutes to read

What is Mental Health and what are the factors in our lives to keep in mind and in balance? This article discusses the definition of Mental Health and what it takes to stay well when it comes to our mental health and well-being.

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