
Anxiety and Smoking: How it affects our Mental Health

- 6 minutes to read

The risks involved with cigarette smoking on our physical health have become very salient in our lives. But what light has been shed, so far, on the damage smoking can have on our mental wellness, levels of anxiety and risk of depression?

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What is Mental Health: Emotional and Psychological factors

- 5 minutes to read

What is Mental Health and what are the factors in our lives to keep in mind and in balance? This article discusses the definition of Mental Health and what it takes to stay well when it comes to our mental health and well-being.

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Recipe: Pan Fried Fish

- 3 minutes to read

Simple pan fried fish served on creamy cauliflower mash and topped with a buttery tomato sauce. This reduced carb meal is packed with some really delicious tasting veggies!

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Recipe: Orange and Lemon Cupcakes

- 3 minutes to read

These little cakes have a citrus zing to them with the orange and lemon rind. Adding ground almonds ensures that they stay moist and delicious. Perfect for an afternoon tea treat or a birthday party.

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Recipe: Tofu Fritters

- 3 minutes to read

Grated tofu recipe with a dash of curry flavor and you can serve these fritters with pickled cucumbers, cashews and a sweet chili yogurt sauce.

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Debunked — The “Mystery” of Meditation

- 3 minutes to read

Are you interested in meditation but think it is probably not for you as you don’t like sitting on the floor. Or your mind is too busy or your body too restless and your day too full? This article explains why none of this matters and how to work with your body and mind in a way that lets you reap the benefits of meditation from day one.

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Recipe: Leek and Potato Soup

- 3 minutes to read

Delicious creamy leek and potato soup recipe. This is made with homemade cheese and garlic bread! A nutritious and filling meal for lunch or dinner.

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Water vs. Sports Drinks – How to know which one is better?

- 5 minutes to read

What kind of drink and refreshment is suitable for you and your type of activity and training? Should you drink water or sport drinks to have optimal hydration during exercising? Water seems to be a better choice but are there disadvantages for sugar-added sports drinks?

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Recipe: Cream Cheese Pastry

- 3 minutes to read

Delicious and easy homemade recipe for cream cheese pasty that can be used in many dishes such as butter tarts, quiche and empanadas.

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