
Introduction to Meditation: Ancient medicine for mind and body healing

- 8 minutes to read

Meditation has many different meanings, depending on the individual. Some see it as a practice that enables them to find peace and organise their thoughts, while others see it as a way to connect with their spirituality, a higher-power, or simply as an appreciation of a divine essence that represents a greater meaning.

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Zone Training — What is it and what is it good for?

- 7 minutes to read

Exercise and holding on to our physical strength and fitness as we age is one of the strongest predictors of healthspan and longevity. However, regular physical activity is sometimes a challenge for most of us. This can create a risky mindset where we tend to overdo and overexert ourselves to compensate for a missed session, which is why it's important to understand Zone Training and its benefits on health and injury prevention.

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Recipe: Potatoes with smoked trevally

- 3 minutes to read

This is a fantastic dish that covers all our micro and macro nutrient needs. It's an excellent source of carbohydrates, easy-to-digest protein and Omega-3 healthy fats.

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Anti-cancer foods: The Healthiest Nuts (Part 2)

- 7 minutes to read

Having a variety of different wholefoods in our diet makes a big impact on our healthspan. Today we talk about 11 types of nuts that have shown to have an anti-cancer effect, making nuts a definite addition to our menu.

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