
Recipe: Apple and Beetroot Jellies

- 3 minutes to read

This fast and fantastic recipe is delicious and it can also be suitable for vegans (we let you know how and what to replace in the recipe).

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Pitta imbalance — Are you easily irritated and prone to skin rashes or heartburn?

- 6 minutes to read

The foundations of Ayurveda are based on the 3 doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas are what give us unique mind-body types and can help determine what symptoms or diseases we will be most prone to. If you have skin issues, get easily irritated or experience heartburn, you should learn more about the Pitta dosha.

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Recipe: Garlicky potato salad

- 3 minutes to read

This piquant salsa, served over the potatoes, is said to have originated in the Canary Islands. Awesome for garlic lovers.

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Training and menopause: How can exercise positively affect your transition?

- 6 minutes to read

Perimenopause and menopause are a time of transition for women, resulting in significant hormonal changes. These changes are often accompanied by weight gain, inflammation, and decrease in muscle and bone density. With the proper approach to exercise, we can slow down and possibly even reverse these changes.

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