
What are 5 Ways to Wellbeing

- 7 minutes to read

What makes good mental health and well-being? What are some of the fundamental principles that help keep us mentally well and that we can use and practice daily in our lives? This article discusses the key concepts of 5 Ways to Wellbeing as determined by experts from across the globe.

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What is HAES: Does it promote obesity and is it healthy?

- 7 minutes to read

The Health At Every Size (HAES) approach might not be what you think that it is. HAES encourages exercising, learning about good nutrition and selection of whole foods, and it focuses on re-learning behaviours to support good health.

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Types of Brain Waves — Function, benefits and frequency chart

- 2 minutes to read

There are 5 types of brain waves - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Theta. They assist us with mental activity, relaxation and sleep. Today we will learn more about them and find out which ones we should increase and which brain waves we should control and decrease at certain times.

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