
Vitamin C (Immunity and Collagen booster)

- 9 minutes to read

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin found in food and today sold in different forms as a supplement. We cannot make vitamin C in our body, which makes proper nutrition and supplementation important because latest research has shown that vitamin C plays an important role in our physical and neurological health.

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Diet and the Brain – Fats

- 7 minutes to read

With a negative stigma behind fat, it is important to understand the need for fat that our body has in order to function properly. Differentiating between the types of fats can help us improve our cognitive function and health. Also, we need to understand which types of fat our brain prefers in order to delay aging and cognitive decline.

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What is a plant-based diet: Vegan or Vegetarian?

- 6 minutes to read

With diet-related diseases on the rise and the need for sustainable food sources amidst a climate crisis, a plant-based diet might be a solution for both. However, we don’t necessarily have to be exclusively vegetarian or vegan, though the focus is to mainly eat plants. So, how can we do this?

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Diet and the Brain: Our brain on sugar

- 7 minutes to read

Sugar has become a staple in our diet. It is important to understand the uses of carbohydrates and sugar in the body, and also the health risks. Learn more about carbohydrates, the effects of sugar on our brain and some alternative options to sugar.

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The Ultimate Guide to Intuitive Eating (with steps)

- 7 minutes to read

Nutritionists are now using Intuitive Eating to break the cycle of chronic dieting. It is important to understand that Intuitive Eating is not (another) diet. Learn what that means, how it works and the approach to health and food.

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