Lisa Polaczuk
BHSc Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dip. in Tuina (Chinese Medical Massage), Postgrad Cert in Counseling Principles and Ethics and Critical Psychology, BA Psychology
Lisa is an Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, using the wisdom of TCM and the effectiveness of the needle and other tools to treat pain, injury, and a wide range of health issues including women’s health, stress and mental health.
Lisa’s founding belief that the mind, body and soul are connected, has guided her to work with people in a genuine and therapeutic way.
This has also led her to seek out additional training in both New Zealand and Europe over the past three decades, enriching the way she sees the world and giving her deeper meaning and skill when working with people.
Articles written by Lisa Polaczuk
- 2024 Mind-Body Practitioner Certification, MindBodyFood Institute, QLD, Australia
- 2022 Access Bars Practitioner Training, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2021 Master Angelic Reiki, Quantum Holistics, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2020 Angelic Reiki 1 & 2, Quantum Holistics, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2020 Kinergetics Masters, Wellington School of Massage, New Zealand
- 2015–2018 Bachelor of Health Science in Acupuncture, New Zealand School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2015–2017 Diploma in Tuina (Chinese Medical Massage), New Zealand School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2008 ThetaHealing DNA 1 & DNA Advanced, London, England
- 2008 Quantum-Touch Basic Certificate, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 2008 Therapeutic Massage Certificate, Wellington School of Massage, New Zealand
- 2003–2006 Holistic Health Therapist Diploma, Stonebridge Associated Colleges, UK
- 2003 Hypnotherapy Certificate, New England Institute of Hypnotherapy, USA
- 1998–1999 Postgraduate certificate in Education Studies, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1995–1997 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- 1994 Certificate in Counselling Skills-Addiction Emphasis, CIT Faculty of Science and Health Science, New Zealand
Professional Interests & Specialist Areas
- Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
- Neuroscience and understanding how the brain works to help bring about change through Acupuncture
- Pregnancy and post-partum care
- Massage Therapy