Water vs. Sports Drinks – How to know...
Bianca Koper
Monday May 3, 2021
5 minutes to read
What kind of drink and refreshment is suitable for you and your type of activity and training? Should you drink water or sport drinks to have optimal hydration during exercising? Water seems to be a better choice but are there disadvantages for sugar-added sports drinks?
Read MoreDo I have Coeliac Disease, Gluten Intolerance or...
Anishka Ram
Sunday April 25, 2021
6 minutes to read
Symptoms of Coeliac Disease, Wheat Allergy and Gluten Sensitivity might all seem the same. Best way to determine the real issue is to perform tests and rule out any food sensitives and allergies.
Read MoreHow to Build your Successful Diet
Bianca Koper
Sunday April 18, 2021
5 minutes to read
A well-planned diet of carbs, fats and protein needs to be supplemented with vitamin and mineral intake to promote recovery and muscle building.
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