
Binge Eating disorder: Is it a mental illness or an excuse to overeat?

- 9 minutes to read

Nearly 50% of people struggling with an eating disorder are binge eating, which makes binge eating quite common, yet not well understood. A binge eating disorder has received official classification as a mental illness in 2013, which tells us it’s the least researched of all eating disorders in terms of interventions and treatment.

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Diabetes untreated (Part 1): Microvascular diseases and health risks

- 5 minutes to read

Diabetes is a complicated and debilitating disease on its own, and it gets more complex to keep it in check as the time progresses. Also, getting off plan, every once in a while, and not following steps as prescribed causes other health complications and risks. Today, we will see what these health risks are.

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Sleep apnea: How to cure it and get your sleep back

- 6 minutes to read

Getting a good night of sleep is not always easy, especially in today’s world of technology, blue light, stress and family commitments. Many of us spend 6-8 hours in bed, but we still don’t feel refreshed in the morning, and we don’t know the reason why. Perhaps, we might be struggling with sleep apnea.

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Exercise Guide to: Curvy Calves

- 4 minutes to read

Calves have an important role in our movement and posture, and if they're not at their optimal length, they can pull other muscles out of alignment. Also, having defined calves is quite aesthetically appealing, both in men and women. With a proper exercise guide and some dedication, you too can develop curvy calves.

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Introduction to Hypnotherapy: Mind-Body Intervention Technique

- 6 minutes to read

We are becoming more reliant on medication as a quick fix. But these “quick fixes” are not long-term solutions. To make significant and positive changes in our life, we need to have more understanding of our thoughts, emotions and actions. This is where hypnotherapy can assist us in making that first step.

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