Brain Health and Exercise: Physical Exercise
Regular physical activity is a powerful tool for enhancing brain structure and function. It promotes the release of neurotrophic factors that support neuron survival and the growth of new synapses, improving brain functions and reducing the risk of cognitive decline.
Read MoreIntroduction to Anxiety: Know what you are dealing with (Part 2)
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders globally, and they are on the rise. For us to fully understand anxiety, we also need to better understand specific disorders that can cause anxiety, such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Read MoreMenopause and Weight Gain: Why do we put on weight during menopause?
As women get older and enter menopause, certain health factors and lifestyle can impact their weight and their ability to shed the extra kilograms. Since during menopause many metabolic factors are out of balance, sleep, activity, gastrointestinal health, metabolic syndrome and hormonal imbalance play a significant part in maintaining healthy weight levels.
Read MoreDepression Signs and Symptoms: Stop the downward spiral in time (Part 2)
Depression can sneak into our lives and can cause a gradual downshift in many areas that we take for granted. It can slowly sap our energy levels and affect the quality and duration of our sleep, and as it progresses, it can also cause gastrointestinal issues and loss of will and interest.
Read MoreWhat health conditions can be caused by coeliac disease? (Part 2)
Gastrointestinal inflammation caused by coeliac disease can cause systemic inflammation that can lead to health problems such as secondary lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes and different types of intestinal cancers.
Read MoreLogotherapy: Freedom of Will and the Power of Choice
Having Freedom of Will means that, rather than being free from circumstances, we are free to choose: choose our actions and attitude in all circumstances. True freedom comes with the responsibility to be accountable for our choices and actions. Making choices that are right for us, in every moment, is meaningful and unlocks the power of choice. So, how do we choose wisely?
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