Recipe: Grilled peaches with buffalo mozzarella and pistachio...
This is a really simple summer salad celebrating beautiful fresh peaches. It is great for the BBQ season. Pesto is also really easy to make, alternately you can easily pick up a pre-made version along with all the other ingredients on your way to the BBQ.
Read MoreRecipe: Fonio Pilaf
Fonio Pilaf is a light summer dish with splendid flavors and plenty of taste even for the most hardcore spice-lovers.
Read MoreRecipe: Punjeni Lungic (Stuffed Pork Tenderloin)
Stuffed pork tenderloin, with cheese and thyme, wrapped in streaky bacon, is a meal that has a fantastic taste, is easy to make and it looks fantastic on the plate.
Read MoreRecipe: Peach Cupcakes
Refreshing peach cupcakes with the addition of Greek yogurt and cardamom makes a delightful weekend dessert. Light and tasty.
Read MoreRecipe: Roast Pork Belly with Fennel coleslaw
Crispy Roast Pork Belly is very easy to make, and yet very hard to say no to. Especially with home-made fennel coleslaw, with a touch of Dijon mustard.
Read MoreRecipe: Bread and Butter Pudding
For this simple, and yet filling dessert you will find all the ingredients that you need in your pantry. If you are looking to lower the carbohydrate content, we suggest using keto bread and reducing the amount of brown sugar.
Read MoreRecipe: Chicken Parmigiana
A simple dish made with olive oil, Italian herbs and cheese. To make it more filling, you can add gnocchi, spaghetti or a stuffed baked potato.
Read MoreRecipe: Egg-free Almond Cookies
If you are feeling a bit tired of cooking and baking after the festive season and holidays, and yet would still like to enjoy a snack, we suggest trying this simple almond cookie recipe. It’s snappy and tasty.
Read MoreRecipe: Duck Risotto with Mushrooms and Parmesan
This recipe is a delicacy, especially since many of us don't often eat duck meat. With a bit of patience, a lot of love, and with the addition of Italian Parmesan, this meal will be enjoyed by all.
Read MoreRecipe: Fish Kokoda
Kokoda is a traditional Fijian dish that is made by marinating the fish in lemon and lime juice. In this recipe, we have also added shallot onion, red chili and diced tomato flesh.
Read MoreRecipe: Spiced Bundt Cakes
A lovely dessert, with plenty of taste and aroma that will go down well after a rich lunch, or as a replacement to your biscuits during your afternoon tea.
Read MoreRecipe: Orzo Tabouli Salad
With summer getting into a full swing of things, this light and refreshing salad is perfect as a mini-meal, or as an addition to a main dish.
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