
What is Sciatica and how can osteopathy alleviate...

- 5 minutes to read

Sciatica is a painful condition that is associated with nerve pain that can be felt in the lower back, buttocks area and can extend down the entire leg. While sciatica can be extremely unpleasant and painful, it also causes weakness in the legs and can severely restrict movement.

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The Health Benefits of Osteopathic Treatment (Part 1)

- 4 minutes to read

Osteopathy focuses on treating and understanding the entire body. This is why it has a wide range of applications, and can assist with anything from decreasing joint pain, improving mobility and range of motion, reducing chronic pain, and assisting with respiratory and gastrointestinal health.

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Introduction to Acupuncture: History, Uses and Health Benefits

- 8 minutes to read

Acupuncture is a treatment that encourages energy flow through the body. Acupuncture points are located along channels, or meridians, through the use of needles. The treatment can help neurological, chemical and hormonal processes in the body.

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Health Benefits of Slow Breathing: Secret to Vitality...

- 5 minutes to read

Slow breathing is often defined as taking about six breaths per minute, and many of us are not far away from this figure in normal circumstances. This, of course, will differ when it comes down to our age, weight or how we breathe – through our nose or mouth. Studies have shown that slow breathing, through our nose, can positively impact our memory, cognition, stress levels, blood pressure and even our bowel movements.

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Health Benefits of Massage

- 5 minutes to read

Skin-to-skin contact supports brain development and promotes our overall well-being. Throughout our history, touch has been utilised for communication, bonding, and as a therapeutic tool. This is why different forms of massage have played an important role in the development of healing methods in many different cultures around the world.

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Psychological benefits of Yoga: what does science and...

- 5 minutes to read

In our previous article, we talked about how yoga can be used as a form of therapy to help with mental health conditions such as ADHD, OCD, PTSD and PTSP. In this article we look more into the benefits of yoga for mood disorders and how it can positively affect cognitive abilities.

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Psychological benefits of Yoga: what does science and...

- 5 minutes to read

Yoga is often seen as a form of practice and stretching that only has a positive impact on our physical health. In this article, we will discuss how yoga can be used as a form of therapy to help with mental health conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Pre-Traumatic Stress (PTSP) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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How we breathe: different types of breathing

- 4 minutes to read

Often the most simple and unconscious processes, such as breathing, have the most profound effect on our physical and mental health. The way we feel can direct the way we breathe. However, the way we breathe can also influence changes, positive and negative, in our physical and mental wellbeing.

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Introduction to Mindfulness: Enjoy the present moment and...

- 7 minutes to read

Mindfulness means to be aware and present in the moment, which today with our busy lives and so many distractions seems very difficult to achieve. For many, we are simply drifting through life, and we find ourselves most of the time being on autopilot. If you would like to change that, and become more aware of your senses, I suggest starting here.

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Relieve back pain: 5 Expert Yoga Exercises, Stretches...

- 8 minutes to read

Advanced yoga poses that we discussed in our last article aim at increasing suppleness, decompressing the spine and enhancing circulation. Now, we can slowly introduce expert-level asanas to our routine that will help with muscle and spinal health by building strength, flexibility, and mobility.

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Introduction to Meditation: Ancient medicine for mind and...

- 8 minutes to read

Meditation has many different meanings, depending on the individual. Some see it as a practice that enables them to find peace and organise their thoughts, while others see it as a way to connect with their spirituality, a higher-power, or simply as an appreciation of a divine essence that represents a greater meaning.

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Relieve back pain: 5 Advanced Yoga Exercises, Stretches...

- 7 minutes to read

In our previous article, we focused on five intermediate stretches and poses to help us deepen our range of motion in the back muscles and spine, and provide relief to back pain. We can now gradually start incorporating more demanding yoga poses into our routine that will add more strength and flexibility. This will aid in alleviating back pain and injuries, as well as improving back muscle and spinal health.

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