
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

- 8 minutes to read

Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils, and throughout history it was used in the kitchen for cooking, as an antiseptic and antibacterial aid, and recently research has focused on its use as a relaxing aid during heart surgery.

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5 Natural remedies: For Allergies (Hay fever)

- 8 minutes to read

With summer already here, we should fully enjoy it, instead looking to stay indoors. However, if we are dealing with allergies it makes it challenging getting out in nature. Allergies can be a sign that our immunity and other body systems, such as our digestive system, are out of balance and might need additional support.

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Eucalyptus (‎Eucalyptus globulus)

- 5 minutes to read

With its camphor-like smell, eucalyptus is a versatile essential oil for everyday use. It calms both the mind and body, as well as assisting with respiratory issues, skin irritations, fever and fatigue.

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Relieve back pain: 5 Beginner Yoga Exercises, Stretches and Poses

- 5 minutes to read

Back pain is a common issue many face, and research shows that nearly 10% of people worldwide experience at some point discomfort in their lower back. Exercises often help, but when we are short on time is when yoga stretches are extremely helpful as they promote blood flow and can alleviate some of the pain, stiffness and discomfort.

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Pitta imbalance — Are you easily irritated and prone to skin rashes or heartburn?

- 6 minutes to read

The foundations of Ayurveda are based on the 3 doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas are what give us unique mind-body types and can help determine what symptoms or diseases we will be most prone to. If you have skin issues, get easily irritated or experience heartburn, you should learn more about the Pitta dosha.

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