
Menopause: Guide to Signs and Symptoms

- 5 minutes to read

There are at least 34 different signs and symptoms related to menopause. While 20% of women won’t experience any symptoms, or will have mild symptoms, for a large majority going through menopause will have a profound impact on their life.

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Exercise Guide to: Sturdy Quads

- 4 minutes to read

Quadriceps muscles are the largest muscle group in the body by mass and are involved in just about all movement that uses the legs. If they are weak, tight or not at the optimal length, this can cause movement restriction and lead to injuries, and, later in life, tripping and falling.

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Our Mind-Body Connection and Neuro-Linguistic Programming

- 4 minutes to read

The mind and body are connected, and our emotions, thoughts and memories stimulate chemical responses. While a happy memory creates a pleasant feeling, so can an unpleasant experience cause our body to replace chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins with adrenal and cortisol hormones. By understanding how we respond unconsciously to such triggers, we can change our response for better outcomes.

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Types of therapy: which one is right for you? (Part 1)

- 7 minutes to read

This is the first in the series of three articles, where we discuss different types of approaches that psychologists and hypnotherapists may use to help their clients in achieving their goals, and assisting them in their journey to health.

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Exercise Guide to: Glorious Glutes

- 3 minutes to read

The glutes have an important role in our movement and posture, and when they're strong, they can prevent pain and injuries. Also, having defined glutes is quite aesthetically appealing, both in men and women. With a proper exercise guide and some dedication, you too can develop glorious glutes.

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