
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

- 9 minutes to read

Biotin, or vitamin B7, is an essential micronutrient that belongs to the B complex group of vitamins. It is water-soluble and plays an important role in assisting the metabolism to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Studies show that it is also very important during pregnancy for normal foetal development.

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Everything You Need to Know When Buying Eggs (Part 1)

- 6 minutes to read

Egg farming is an important aspect of the food industry, providing a nutrient-rich and protein-packed staple. It is important for us to be educated on our food production and farming systems so that we can make informed choices that are aligned with our values, and most importantly our health.

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The Healthiest Diets: Plant-based Diet vs Omnivorous Diet (Part 1)

- 8 minutes to read

When compared to an omnivorous diet, a plant-based diet has shown to improve several important health markers, such as body mass index (BMI), cardiovascular and cognitive health, and decrease risks of cancer and diabetes. This sounds great, however, we need to look more closely into the studies to see what lies behind the term “omnivorous diet”, in order to have a better understanding when comparing these two types of diets.

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Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

- 9 minutes to read

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, and one of the eight B vitamins. It has an important role in our healthy metabolism and immunity, as well as during development in pregnancy and childhood. The biologically active form of vitamin B6, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) is responsible for more than 100 biochemical reactions in our body, making vitamin B6 an essential nutrient.

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Anti-cancer foods: The Healthiest Herbs and Spices (Part 4)

- 4 minutes to read

Modern medicine has an integral part in our health and life, however, we should have an approach to it “in case of emergency break glass”. This means that looking after ourselves and our health should be our primary responsibility, which is where many foods, such as herbs and spices can make a significant difference.

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Anti-cancer foods: The Healthiest Herbs and Spices (Part 3)

- 5 minutes to read

Recent statistics show that there is a significant increase in cancer in people under 50, such as cancer of colon, breast, liver and esophagus. Whether this can be attributed to poor diet and lifestyle remains to be seen. Nonetheless, it’s important to know what foods to avoid and which herbs and spices to include into our diet, which is where we continue our discussion today.

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