
What is Neurofeedback therapy and brain training?

- 7 minutes to read

It might be time to place your pain killers and different medication aside for a moment because there is a therapy that is non-invasive and helps with our brain and body recovery and repair. Today we will be talking about neurofeedback and how it can help us long term.

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What are the first signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia

- 9 minutes to read

Has it been months now that you are having constant body pain, brain fog and fatigue? Even your digestion seems to be suffering. The pain, stiffness and tenderness that you are experiencing are similar to quite a few other conditions and you are not sure what to do. Perhaps, you might be suffering from Fibromyalgia.

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10 Strategies for Mental Health while working from home

- 7 minutes to read

Since our first lockdown response to Covid-19 in early 2020, New Zealand has been in and out of lockdown. As a result, working from home has become a mainstream way businesses operate. Working remotely has its pros and cons; however, recent research reports significant concerns around the implications working from home can have on our mental health. How can we protect our mental wellbeing while working from home?

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Workout Motivation: Why we lose it and how to get it back

- 9 minutes to read

What do we lose first - motivation or drive? Actually, which of those two comes first and which one is a result of the former. Is motivation more important than habits, consistency and well-defined plans? Or is motivation an after-effect? Today, we reverse-engineer why we lose motivation and how we can “easily” get it back.

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Video Game Addiction: “Teenagers” and Gaming

- 6 minutes to read

In developed countries, nearly 70% of people are playing video games. This means that “teenagers” are not the only population group who are gaming. There are both positive and negative impacts of gaming, but how do we differentiate between these and when do we classify video gaming as a harmful addiction?

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