Coeliac Disease: Symptoms and Effects on our health...
Our food and the way we process it is changing, and that has an effect on our bodies and digestion. It seems that gluten, a part of staple foods only a couple of generations ago, is now causing an increase in food allergies and sensitivities. If you think that gluten is affecting you, how do you know if you have a gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, or coeliac disease?
Read MoreDiabetes untreated (Part 2): Macrovascular diseases and health...
Receiving a diabetes diagnosis is a life-changing event, which places an incredible amount of stress on a person. Even more so, learning about potential health complications that can occur in case of poor diabetes management can expose a person to additional diseases and health risks, such as heart attacks, strokes and poor mental health.
Read MoreBinge Eating disorder: Is it a mental illness...
Nearly 50% of people struggling with an eating disorder are binge eating, which makes binge eating quite common, yet not well understood. A binge eating disorder has received official classification as a mental illness in 2013, which tells us it’s the least researched of all eating disorders in terms of interventions and treatment.
Read MoreDiabetes untreated (Part 1): Microvascular diseases and health...
Diabetes is a complicated and debilitating disease on its own, and it gets more complex to keep it in check as the time progresses. Also, getting off plan, every once in a while, and not following steps as prescribed causes other health complications and risks. Today, we will see what these health risks are.
Read MoreDiabetes — Early Signs, Causes, Types and Treatment
Diabetes is on the rise and young people more than ever before are getting diagnosed with this chronic condition. Western Pacific region has the 3rd highest prevalence of diabetes in the world, and this is expected to rise by 5% in the next decade. Why?
Read MoreFibromyalgia Misdiagnosis: Have I got Fibromyalgia or something...
Fibromyalgia diagnosis is challenging. The symptoms of fibromyalgia can mimic many other health conditions such as Chronic fatigue syndrome, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease and others.
Read MoreUnderstanding Eating Disorders – History, Types and Statistics
Eating disorders are often misunderstood by some medical professionals as well as the general public. Eating disorders not only affect the body but have detrimental effects on mental health as well. Current statistics on eating disorders in New Zealand and worldwide indicate that eating disorders are on the rise and as an illness, many are facing it right now.
Read MoreProstate Cancer – All you need to know...
Prostate cancer rates have dramatically increased over the past few decades, with millions of men being diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. It is important that men are well educated about the risk factors, symptoms, screening and diagnosis as well as potential treatments to protect themselves from secondary types of cancer and increased risk of premature death.
Read MoreWhat are the first signs and symptoms of...
Has it been months now that you are having constant body pain, brain fog and fatigue? Even your digestion seems to be suffering. The pain, stiffness and tenderness that you are experiencing are similar to quite a few other conditions and you are not sure what to do. Perhaps, you might be suffering from Fibromyalgia.
Read MoreWhat are 5 types of Hepatitis? (Awareness Week)
Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition which can lead to long term liver damage. Hepatitis is spread in different ways and we need to raise awareness and share more information on this condition so more Kiwis are informed.
Read MoreWhat are the latest Coeliac Disease Therapies (2021)
Does science bring good news with new and developing treatments in Coeliac Disease and are we looking at a vaccine or a pill? Also, are immune-suppressing drugs still the medication of choice?
Read MoreLet’s Talk about Multiple Sclerosis (Awareness Day)
Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that causes disruption between the brain and the body. Symptoms can vary from pain and fatigue to vision impairment, chest and bladder infections, swallowing difficulties and issues with coordination. Today we will look into more detail if the condition can be managed through nutrition, exercise and decreasing inflammation.
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