Recipe: Grilled fish wrap with pineapple and tomato...
A healthy and fun family recipe where everyone can make their own grilled fish wrap with pineapple and tomato salsa – so easy and so yummy.
A healthy and fun family recipe where everyone can make their own grilled fish wrap with pineapple and tomato salsa – so easy and so yummy.
Chamomile is a staple of traditional natural medicine. It has been used for thousands of years, some research suggesting that even the cavemen have been including it in their diet. Though primarily used as sleep aid and to help with digestive issues, chamomile has many other medicinal uses and properties, which makes it handy to keep it in our cupboard.
Cheese lovers – this meal is for you! These vegetarian quesadillas feature fresh, summery veggies and three different cheeses.
We eat more, we move less, and we repeat this almost daily. It’s work, it’s the pandemic and the lockdowns… it’s life. It’s time to change things around. If we have a cheat meal, why not have a cheat exercise?
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin found in food and today sold in different forms as a supplement. We cannot make vitamin C in our body, which makes proper nutrition and supplementation important because latest research has shown that vitamin C plays an important role in our physical and neurological health.
Try making these vegan and vegetarian falafel and serve together with the choice of pita bread, lettuce, hummus, tahini or tabbouleh salad.
Cheesy potato cakes stuffed with a savoury Mexican-style mince filling, loaded up with more mince, avocado and Greek yoghurt… yes please!
Aromatherapy has been a part of our natural medicine for thousands of years, and today with modern science proving its health benefits, essential oils are becoming a part of our everyday life. But before we go shopping for essential oils, we need to understand what they can be used for, and if too much of a good thing can be harmful.
These easy buddha bowls are tasty and nutritious. Featuring one of my favourite vegetarian proteins (haloumi) and a creamy avocado dressing. Yum!
Our thoughts affect our behaviours, and our behaviours are a guarantee of our successes or failures. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an approach to communication, development, influence, and modelling excellence that can help achieve goals through changing thoughts and behaviours. There are many techniques and methods – so where do we start first?
Delicious for breakfast, brunch or lunch, these sweet corn and chive fritters can also be made bite-sized for pass-arounds.
How we perceive mental health plays a large role in how we respond to mental distress. As a community, we are up against a monumental barrier. It’s time to shift the narrative and eliminate the stigma around our mental health. How? Let’s start with a conversation.